The Hochiki Conventional Zone Module (DCP-CZM) is designed for use on an analog addressable Fire Alarm system. Up to 127 devices can be placed on a single SLC loop. The device address is uniquely stored on an onboard. The module allows the panel to interface and monitor two-wire conventional detectors or pull stations. Each DCP-CZM transmits the status on one zone of devices (25 maximum per zone) back to the panel.
- • UL 864 9th Edition Listed
• Provides an address point for a zone of up to 25 conventional smoke detectors
• Blinks green when polled. Latched on red (controlled by panel) when activated
• Device address can be programmed with a handheld programmer. Device address- ranges from 1 to 127
• Compatible with Class B and Class A wiring
• Auxiliary power source provides power for the zone of detectors
• Compatible with conventional detectors, SLR, SIJ, SLK, SLV, DCD, DFE and SIH series
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